ATTN JMS: A B5 Novel???

 Posted on 9/26/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> Indeed in May of this year you posted an excellent dissertation
> on writting in general and writting B5 in particular, and I was
> wondering when all of this is over, and after you take your long
> nap, if you were going to publish the scripts as a novel? Do you
> have any advice for a wouldbe writter?

Publishing the scripts in book form is something that I'll have
to consider later, there will probably have to be negotiations with WB
over it.

There's no real advice I can give to an aspiring writer that
would mean a damn except to write, keep writing, keep sending it out,
and don't stop.


ATTN JMS: A B5 Novel???

 Posted on 9/26/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> If I may ask, what do you mean when you reference writting
> "tools" you've developed, and how do you know when there working?

Tools are tools...learning how to use narrative in a scene, and
narration over a scene, as different things...using visual
counterpoint to a scene...different kinds of exposition, and ways to
present exposition so that it doesn't *feel* like's all
