Re: jms is anti-Trek?

 Posted on 10/13/1995 by to

"JMS loves the fact that you worship him...."

Yessir, boy-howdy, and there ain't nothin' like signing onto your
account and seeing ten gazillion messages titled JMS IS SOMETIMES / ALWAYS
/ GENERALLY / 99.9% FULL OF SHIT to make you feel like the living
reincarnation of Thor hisownself.

"you ain't never gonna be on the show" ... actually quite a few folks
on the nets have come by the Babylon 5 stages, have been paid to edit music
videos, have even come to *work* for us...PwdrdTstMan from AOL now works at
the B5 stages, another internetter known to most folks here is now working
at WB on the B5 AOL page, others have come here as well, even as extras a
few times.

"and you ain't havin' dinner at Master JMS' estate." As soon as
Master JMS *gets* an estate instead of a fairly simple 3 bedroom house in
a reasonably nice neighborhood, I'll let you know if this happens or not.
In the interim, I've had dinner and lunches with folks from the nets for
quite some time now.

"thrill of a lifetime feeling that they are actually interacting with
their 'god'" See paragraph 2 above. Amazing how if anyone does anything
of merit, and some folks acknowledge that, others have to characterize
that in Deity terms. Is there no in-between? Oh, silly me, it's just a
rhetorical device to deride the issue at hand; sorry, for a moment there I
thought you were interested in accuracy, Ross. My apologies.

And frankly, if I were ANY kind of deity, I'd have a LOT more hair and
a *MUCH* deeper voice.


Re: jms is anti-Trek?

 Posted on 10/13/1995 by to

To John Lawrence Morgan: no, I don't get to watch ST very often;
that's because doing this job is a 25-hour-a-day responsibility. I'm at
the B5 offices from early in the day until 7:30-8:00 at night, I grab a
fast meal, sometimes just a sandwich, and charge into my home office and
start writing. I try to break away for a very few shows; American Gothic,
Space, the Simpsons, X-Files and 60 Minutes during the course of the week.
I have no time for anything else. That's why I log on here often at 3 a.m.
because that's the only time I have left after work. (Today's an
exception; I get to work at home today since we've given the crew a couple
days off to catch their breath.)

And yeah...given the choice between spending those last couple of
hours vegged out watching TeeVee, and coming on-line and hanging out with
people, almost my last vestige of human (sorta) contact...I choose the
latter. What in this do you have a problem?
