Joe an atheist?

 Posted on 5/13/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Daniel M. Upton <> asks:
> So by what authority do you say that "A" is bad and "B" is good
> and why should I respect it?

"Alright, you and I are both humans. We are in essence equal. So by
what authority do you say that "A" is bad and "B" is good and why
should I respect it?"

You respect if if there are more people than you are who believe A is
bad and B is good, and they pass a bunch of laws requiring your
adherence to this.


You, as a christian, say A is bad, B is good, suggesting the
transcendental guidance of your particular deity or prophet.

A moslem says B is good, and A is bad, based on the transcendental
guidance of HIS particular deity or prophet.

So how is this resolved?

See, this is one of the problems people bring to the table on this
argument; they argue that truth always comes from transcendental
god...omitting that they mean THEIR PARTICULAR god, that this alone is
real truth...and the other guys are just misled. "Ours is BETTER. Our
god can beat up their god."

It's like those who want creationism taught in schools...oddly, when
they bring this up, it's always the christian version of
don't tend to hear much about the one where Earth is carried on the
back of a giant turtle....
