Claudia C fired!

 Posted on 7/24/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Vadim Naroditsky <> asks:
> The only 3 women that come to mind are: Lyta (unlikely but we can
> expect anything from you, can't we? I assume that the idea of
> keeping this affair to humans is still in effect, isn't it?

Nothing to do with being "politically correct," this is the
least PC show on record. I just like to have a mix of male and female
characters, and when it tilts too much in o, including Claudia, who has
three or four web sites devoted to her. She's not exactly out in the
cold here. Her comments at the convention were here instantly, the
Variety and Reuters articles were here very quickly, and her online
note showed up within hours. I don't exactly see that as only one side
being presented.

Second, your observation is cynical and untrue. I've been
online at CIS since 1984-85; I was one of the first people on CIS on my
block. I've been here for going on 13 years. I got on here to hang
out with fellow fans, and talk about shows, and meet people. I'm still
here now for the same reasons. You can speak to events and specifics
all you want, but stay out of my motives unless and until you can hire
a teep to probe around in my cerebellum.
