Grey 17 is missing

 Posted on 9/3/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Simon Pallett <> asks:
> (Did you receive any impression of the general 'feel' towards B5
> at WorldCon?

The reaction at the con to B5, at the awards and elsewhere, was
quite amazing. Everywhere the show was mentioned at panels, it
appaarently got applause. The attending fans were *extremely*
friendly, went out of their way to be nice. The two B5 panels I gave
(the second one added on when the first one wouldn't fit into the room
provided) were extremely enthusiastic. I think the two presentations I
gave that day totaled about 2,500-2,600 people total.

When the winner was announced for Best Dramatic Presentation,
and I headed for the stage, for a moment I thought we were having an
earthquake, or there was a sudden thunder...but it was the fans
applauding and stomping their feet enough to make the ground shake. It
was deafening down where the nominees were, and I noticed a couple of
them looking around with a "what the hell is THAT?" look on their
