The Rim anyone ?

 Posted on 8/20/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Richard Wakefield <> asks:
> Anyway, in a post once you said to me that the races had only
> explored as far as they did because they need Navigation Beacons
> for Hyperspace, did they get to the Rim, is the rim the edge of
> explored space or the edge of the galaxy ? & why don't they go
> into hyperspace, keep going for a month then come out ?

It's the Rim of the galaxy, and once you come out of hyperspace
past the galactic rim, all your points of reference are gone, and
getting back is tough, if not impossible...and you can't just "keep
going" in a straight line in hyperspace, as it's not a one-to-one
corrolation to normal space.
