IaE in UK

 Posted on 8/5/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Brian A. Thomas <75231.1122@compuserve.com> asks:
> Crossing from here to say the Adromada galixy probably would take
> a great deal of time though even in hyperspace huh?

For one thing, it's a long, LONG trip outside the known
galaxy...it takes 3 days to go to Earth from B5, it's not
instantaneous...so you can well imagine how much time is involved in
getting outside the galaxy. Second, a ship like the Aggy isn't
configured or capable of constructing a jump gate, that's up to the big
Explorer-class vessels. Finally, the further you range afield from the
established series of hyperspace beacons, the greater the odds of
getting permanently lost out there, since points of reference outside
aren't on a one-to-one basis with hyperspace. (And outside the galaxy
you'd have little in the way of more conventional references as well.)
So any trip would be a one way trip, at least at this point in our
