<Ship of Tears>

 Posted on 5/8/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Trent K. Johnson <71020.1052@compuserve.com> asks:
> Do you happen to know what this refers to?
> Is this something you do in post, or is that done at the feed
> site?

"Noticed on the takeboards from the sat. feeds for this and a couple
of other episodes: Textless at 1:05. Do you happen to know what this
refers to?"

Some of the cassettes provided have the opening sequences in a
separate section at 1 hour 5 minutes without the titles over them, so
that they can be used in promos by the stations.

"Also, they say "Color Corrected". Is this something you do in post,
or is that done at the feed site?"

No, color correction is done in post, to make sure that all the colors
are true, and sometimes to enhance one element or another.
