<Messages from Earth>

 Posted on 2/20/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Michael E. MacDonal <102371.1166@compuserve.com> asks:
> One Bad point I found was How could the Hiperion Track the White
> Star ...As Far as you have let on so far Earth force ship's are
> unable to lock on to Mimbari Ship's as Far as tracking or fire
> control goes ? Also With out you giving away too much Will we Find
> out More Soon on the Buildup of Forces to fight the shadows ..Ie:
> new war ship's or Vorlon Technology ...ect ...and if so will it
> be soon ?

The forces will continue to build over the course of this
season. The White Star would be detected because it was inside the
atmosphere, where it could be picked up by its emissions, the
disruption caused in the air by the engines, and frankly by plain
