Re: Pilot Question? Religion?

 Posted on 12/7/1993 by to

Let me make one point clear re: my attitudes toward religion. I'm
an atheist. Plain and simple. Unlike many who claim to be christians,
I've actually *read* the Bible. Cover to cover. *Twice*. It has some
very good writing, and some pretty awful writing. I tip my hat to ANYONE
who can get through Deuteronomy and Numbers without drowsing...while the
story of Job has some of the best writing imaginable.

That said...I have no desire or interest in bashing somebody's
religion as long as that somebody stays out of my face. In terms of my
writing, and my shows...if a writer wants to be honest, he has to look at
the full spectrum of human experience and treat it honestly. And though
I do not believe as some might, there is some human impulse that keeps
dragging us toward belief. It is part of the human process of trying to
solve the problem of life, the universe and everything (to quote Adams).
And you have to respect that, even if you don't agree with it. So I tend
to treat the subject with respect. Also with humor, on occasion, but
never to bash.

Fanatics of *any* stripe are, however, ripe targets.
