Re: And So It Begins...

 Posted on 4/1/2003 by to

>I refer you to the site "Free Mike Hawash"
>at This man is being held without charge
>in federal prison as a "material witness." A "material witness" for what,
>no one outside of the Justice Department knows,

This is one of the more troubling trends of late. Anybody can, for any reason,
be declared a "material witness" or a person of interest, and held without
access to attorneys, judges, family members or anyone else, for an
indeterminate period of time. This includes US citizens. We have no idea how
many people are being held, or why, or for how long.

The only hints we *do* get are when people are finally released for lack of any
kind of evidence, which a few were last month, but this only after being held
in captivity for *months*.


(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)