I am not a Number !!!!

 Posted on 11/21/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

PAUL SHEWARD <100256.1563@compuserve.com> asks:
> 'Where has Garibaldi's hair gone ?'

Do me a favor.

Join PEN International some time, as I did years ago. Read the
accounts of how journalists and dissidents are put in small rooms, and
mentally, emotionally and physically turned inside-out by
interrogators. You'll find the same techniques used in this show
described in considerable detail there. Join Amnesty International
while you're at it, and read more about how this sort of thing is done
every day in dozens of countries around the world.

And while you're at it...join the real world.
