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 Posted on 11/9/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Gardner L. Harris <> asks:
> -Gardner L. Harris

The zinc lozenges are absolutely positively the #1 item to have
as soon as you start to feel a cold or flu coming on. Trust me, I've
learned the hard way on this one (and they can alleviate the symptoms a
bit once you've got it). You can get the cherry flavored ones, which
take some of the onus off it (the throat-candies with zinc aren't as
effective, btw). Alternate zinc lozenges (NOT the pill form, letting
the lozenge dissolve slowly in the mouth) and the vitamin C (ditto) as
often as you can, eating to counteract any acidic effect...and lemme
tell you, it makes a HUGE difference.
