
 Posted on 3/13/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> Was Delenn's clan expecting her to do another transformation to
> undo her "humanness"? Since the transformation had made her
> "genetically compatible with the humans", isn't she now
> genetically incompatible with Minbari? Or would she have been
> expected to remain childless? Perhaps the equation of Sinclair
> becoming mostly Minbari was balanced by Delenn becoming mostly
> human, but what has this to do with migrating souls? It must have
> migrated!)?

Yes, some Minbari on the Grey Council think that Sinclair opened
up the "soul door," for lack of a better term, and Delenn's actions can
be seen as a kind of back-fire, closing the door again. Ain't
necessarily what's true, but what they believe.

And yes, they would've had Delenn remain childless, but would be
allowed to marry a Minbari. And, again, it's a matter of marrying a
non-Minbari with or WITHOUT's a very inflammatory sort of
thing from a cultural perspective.
