Justin Withers <101650.3373@compuserve.com> asks:
> But I have to ask: are they really (as seen in the preview) going
> to try to kill the big, mean, nasty Vorlon Ambassador???
You'll have to wait 7 days to find out. But suffice to say
things take quite a turn....
And thanks.
The Summoning
{original post had no questions}
The Summoning
{original post unavailable}
Thanks...though, of course, the book on which JC superstar is
based ptedates it just a tad...anyway, it's a great scene.
The Summoning
{original post had no questions}
It ain't Morden's voice.
The Summoning
{original post had no questions}
I live to serve....
The Summoning
(blocked) asks:
> I thought HoTW was incredible, WHtMG?
> Huh?
> Explain, please?
Remember that often people will express an opinion as though it
were the fact. What we like, and what resonates with us, is
subjective. What you like, you like, and there's no need to defend it
or feel pressured about it.
The Summoning
(blocked) asks:
> Just had to say something, you know?
> Not to mention the fact that I was getting it right back -- "You
> mean you actually *liked* that move? Couldn't you see all the
> stuff that was wrong with it?"
Oh, no...no, no...you didn't offend anybody, I was only
supporting your argument, and your right to feel any way you choose
about an episode.
The Summoning
{original post had no questions}
I thunk that up, as far as I know.
The Summoning
{original post had no questions}
Thanks...we try. And I'm happy Philly is back on board.