Scripts available?

 Posted on 10/16/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Michael Beemer <> asks:
> Are you involved in making this decision?
> If not, who are you to say?

It's a moot point...yes, you can scan in a script, but a) only
if you have access to it, and b) you still have to go through massive
amounts of work making sure it's all properly spaced and laid out.

As of now, "The Coming of Shadows" script is available in the
new edition of my scriptwriting book, so that's a start.


Scripts available?

 Posted on 10/16/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

What might be interesting, next time you pick up the book, is to
fire up a copy of "The Coming of Shadows" and go through it with the
script in's a good way of seeing how you lay out a show
shot-for-shot. And since there's stuff there that was cut from the
episode, you can also judge on what was left out, and why, and whether
it hurt or helped.


Scripts available?

 Posted on 10/17/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Michael Beemer <> asks:
> The question is - why are points on net *still* being offered?
> Are there enough rubes who go for it to make it worth a try for
> the studios? Are they largely ignored if the other provisions of
> the contract are sufficient? Is there a "prestige" factor to being
> offered 5% of nothing as opposed to 2% of nothing?

Yep, they're still offered...and taken...because it's important
to at least keep the *concept* of profit alive, however bastardized the

Fr'instance...I don't have a gross profit percentage of B5. I
have a small *net* profit. Which, as we all know, means I'll never see
a *dime* out of it. The only part where I have a piece is an (even
smaller) percentage of the gross is in...merchandising, the one area in
which I've dragged my feet from day one.

My accountant thinks I've got it in for him....
