Chad Underkoffler <> asks:
> How does Susan find him, anyway?
> Yet, has she ever *been* Down Below before?
> Where did Jerimiah go wrong?
> *So what happened to the cult at the end of the ep?
> Did Garibaldi run them all in?
> And hey, Johnny, we effectively just added a whole UNUSED level
> to your station-- quarters for the Rangers? More Hydroponics
> sections for coffee? Chicken coops?
> Teep boot camp?
> Rental units?
> *What was that on Marcus' wall?
> So is it a Ranger thing?
> A Minbari thing?
> Lares and penates?
> Mezuzah?
> *Oh, and is Stephen's hidden file named after Harriet the spy, or
> am I being far too cute?
It's Harriet for Harriet Tubman, who ran the slave underground
railroad around the time of the Civil War.
And no matter how much Ivanvoa trains, she'll never be much
past a P1, and that's more or less useless to them.
Rage's Thots: G17iM
Tom Knudsen <> asks:
> Are you saying that Susan's psi powers won't really be a factor
> in the story?? Wouldn't that tend to go against the gun over the
> mantle rule??
Only if one assumes everything applies only to the Shadow war.