Simon Pallett <> asks:
> In other words, will he, in the light of the events in this
> episode, ever take action to stop Londo's campaign? I'm not
> inferring that it might be major action, such as leaving Londo's
> side, or turning against him openly, but might he now consider
> 'dropping Londo in it', to coin a phrase? (Oh, and I take it that
> the Minbari language is more logical than our own, in terms of
> word definitions?
I don't know if Vir really has anywhere else to go....
And thanks.
And the Rock...
Fiona McKenzie <> asks:
> A question:are the 6 B5 books currently out consistant with
> plot-lines to come? What's the chance of you producing some large
> posters of Mira Furlan (don't know if I've spelt that correctly?)
> for my friend Marco Biagi who is currently infatuated with her?
Thanks; the books are consistent in the broad strokes, though
some of the details veer away. That happens when you have diverse
hands working on a project.