Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/18/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

It's a feature of not using netscape (assuming there wasn't an
operating glitch)'re presented with your own Babcom screen, which
is you launch point into the rest of the site. Again, it's still being
added to and worked out, we haven't officially put the darned thing up


Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/20/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

The problem as I understand it is that using Netscape will let
us do more of the cutting-edge stuff we plan to introduce over the
course of the coming year than the other systems...avatars, residences,
other nifty stuff. If we go for a less sophisticated interface, we
won't be able to do this stuff. At least, that's what we're being told
by the designers.


Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/21/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

Should work with Netscape 3.0 no problem. And thanks. We do
want it to be cool...once it's fully operational, with all the final
parts and pieces added in, it should be nifty indeed.


Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/24/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

That's odd, since it doesn't happen when I checked it out a
little bit ago...will check again.


Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/25/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
> Is the area affiliation (Earth Force, PsiCorp, etc.) going to do
> more than affect the graphical gizmos on the BabCom window?

We'll do more with the affiliations later on once more parts of
the station go on line. For instance, we'll have various chat areas
set aside. If you're Earthforce, you can get into Earharts...if you're
a Centauri, you can't, but you'll have another area you can get into.
When you get your quarters set up on B5 (you'll be able to actually
rent a residence on the station), if you're a Narn it'll be in the
alien sector, if you're Psi Corps it'll probably be Red
Sector...basically, we'll try, as much as possible, to replicate what
it would be like to actually live there. Eventually we hope to
introduce avatars in the chat area so you can appear visually in the
room as the species of your choice...with the thought that, in time,
people will be able to upload images of themselves and use those in the
chat area with the's going to grow into something very


Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/25/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks:
> Some of us may want to "roll our own" species, have you given
> thought of how that could be done? Are there plans for that using
> security "certificates" or plain old passwords?

Yes, there will be security once it's all officially online.


Fan Club Site

 Posted on 8/27/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

I think you can change it, yes.
