Re:Two Questions

 Posted on 5/19/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

"1. In the unthinkable, will you wrap up the storyline this season, or is
that too late?"

After the conclusion of this season, there are basically 3 major movements
remaining in the symphony (for lack of a better description). They fit
comfortably in 2 seasons, leaving room to do the usual routine of starting
each season with 4-5 standalones, and layering in other standalones along the
way, some non-arc personal stories, and so on.

If they came to me, put a gun to my head and said, "Okay, year four is it,
wrap it up," yes, it could be done. You just yank out the standalones and
interstitial stuff I put between major movements, and shove the three pieces
together. It's not what I'd *prefer*, obviously, but it could be done.


Two Questions

 Posted on 6/18/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

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Basically, after seeing what he's done for the Narns, and
knowing who Vir is all this time, and seeing his reaction of horror to
what Lyndisty was suggesting, anybody who thinks he offed the Narn
isn't paying attention.
