B5 Screen Saver sound

 Posted on 5/16/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

There's not a fix; that's the Identicard Scanner sound, which
you hear on the show from time to time.


B5 Screen Saver sound

 Posted on 5/17/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
> Joe, Has the B5 Screen Saver been released in a Mac version yet?

I've been told that the early decision to do a Mac version
wasn't actually a decision, but a thought experiment, and for now
they're staying with a PC version.


B5 Screen Saver sound

 Posted on 5/22/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
> Anyone have the address?
> At least I've got the show...well...an hour next Sunday,
> anyway...Joe, is it October before we get the remaining episodes?

