Re:Exogenesis: Corwin's name

 Posted on 2/18/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

"Corwin is the main character in Zelazny's Amber series.) Not that David
Corwin is very Corwin of Amber-like. That Corwin would more likely be a

David Corwin was named after my friend and highly-regarded radio drama writer
Norman Corwin.


Re:Exogenesis: Corwin's name

 Posted on 2/19/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

Norman Corwin's work is nothing short of superb. I commend it to anyone
willing to trudge down to the local library and dig it up. It was by hoping
one day to grow up and become a writer like Norman that Ray Bradbury got
started as a writer.

Norman's what you call a Writer's Writer.
