Toni Muller <> asks:
> Oh, BTW, did you get a picture of a rat at a computer screen?
Ah, is that what that was...I remember it, and was both amused
and bemused by it.
What's fun, for me, about the Minipax lady, is that she *clearly*
knows that this is a game on one level, her comment about just
rewriting the dictionary...she knows the problems aren't *really* gone,
they just defined them away. But when she's in front of a crowd of
folks predisposed to her message, she goes full-tilt. Showmanship.....
>>Voices of Authority<<
Jeff Frank <> asks:
> Was it just me or were a large number of the Nightwatch members
> looking pretty distressed about the new orders?
Now the weeding out process starts.