Re:Show me to my ghetto?

 Posted on 12/9/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

The issue at hand is courtesy. I know that a lot of people here want
to discuss other areas than religion; there is a religion topic that is where
religion messages should go, just as notes on merchandising go in
merchandising, and items on ratings go in makes it easier to
find the topics that interest you, and keeps the conversation from being
monopolized across various folders.

As I told you in private mail, very often your messages on religion
really have *nothing* whatsoever to do with B5, but rather with the issues
that are of importance to you about religion, gays, whathaveyou...and you
thus shoehorn them do it here, you've done it over in the B5 folders
in the SF-Television areas...and what happens is that the religion wars that
erupt, due in some measure to some of the rather inflammatory tone you use,
tend to keep other users away who just don't want to see it One More Time.

But there are religious elements in the show that can be
discussed...hence I made it a point to open such an area. Use it. That's
what it's there for. If someone were to put up a long note on ratings, I'd
point them to the ratings folder, simple as that. Yes, it is your right to
say anything you so choose...and it is the right of myself and others to ask
you to show courtesy to your fellow users by doing so in the appropriate
forums. Is not courtesy usually considered the christian thing to do?


Re:Show me to my ghetto?

 Posted on 12/9/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

Mythopile: okay, maybe you don't care about keeping topics to their
intended use. That's fine. I have received mail from people who stress that
they are on limited incomes, and when they come in here, they only go into
specific forums because they can't afford to spend a lot of time on AOL. And
they like to be able to know that when the click into a topic on Clams In B5
that they won't have to wade through a bunch of messages on other subjects to
find what they're looking for.

I have never, at any time, "thrown some guy" out of a folder. I have
asked, simply, and only in a very few cases, that people try the folders
where their comments will reach the widest audience, since someone interested
in religion will go there first, and someone interested in ratings will go to
tha topic first, as a courtesy to the other users here. Nobody here is going
to force you to be courteous. I cannot do anything about it. I can only
suggest courtesy.
