Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/12/1995 by to

Deborah (assuming this really is you and not Theron logging on under
another name to get some sympathy)...I'm sorry but you fail the test of
logic on just about every conceivable level. By your lights, it's okay to
smear people's reputations, announce that people are not to be trusted,
imply that they are liars, all that's fine as long as one doesn't use bad
words. What a wonderfully convenient and perverse world you live in.

You look around and say, well, gee, Joe hasn't produced the ratings,
maybe something's wrong, why are they being withheld, maybe the whole
truth isn't being want to know the details, and demand that I
provide them to you.

First Deb (or whoever)...screw off. I don't have to provide you with
zip. You say you work at a campus, you're a student. Allow me to introudce
you to the concept of "research." This isn't top secret classified
material; this is the most easily accessible information on the planet.
Every week DAILY VARIETY and the HOLLYWOOD REPORTER list ratings for the
syndicated and network shows (and yes, they ARE considered two separate
things, as anyone who bothered to do the LEAST amount of digging into the
question instead of relying on the person they're smearing and badrapping
to provide it for them because they ask for it, like it's some kind of
holy obligation). You wanna know the ratings? Come our next batch of
new episodes, why don't you just drag your smarmy, accusatory, "you know
you really can't trust him, he's a producer, oh, we won't call him a liar,
but we'll just whisper it" ass down to the campus library and LOOK IT UP.

" producer who goes only by his initials...."

Excuse me, but what the hell does THAT bit of smear-tactic mean when
my name is right on top of every single damned message I post? Do you mean
that after all this time you -- gasp! -- don't know WHO I AM? You mean you
see "only" some initials on the bottom of a message and you're so confused
by who this might be that you've fallen down the dark, dusty staircase you
call your cerebullum and now can't get up? Good heavens, I've had an
alias all this time and I haven't known it! I'm a stealth producer! No
one knows who I am, just those....INITIALS! Suddenly I feel like the

In addition, I *have* posted the specific ratings on many occasions,
here and elsewhere. For the last week on Compuserve (verifiable by many
here who are also on CIS, since after all I'm a producer and can't really
be trusted to say anything honest about the business) I posted the ratings
for various areas of the country, including share, and how the general
overall ratings have increased. Probably sooner or later that stuff will
be reposted here, because it always is.

You and Theron (unless you are one and the same) have this nutty
notion that you can ask anything you want, be as accusative and slanderous
as you want, but that's okay...and if *everything* you want and ask for
isn't provided INSTANTLY, in excruciating detail...well, then, my goodness
something's WRONG, isn't it?

Re: my veracity, you say, "I'd be wary and seek a second opinion or
read very carefully to see what info isn't being said."

And because something isn't being said, you thererfore assume that
something's wrong, being held back. And what precise second opinion did
you have in mind? Perhaps the PUBLISHED TRADES I commended to you a
moment ago?

Enough. Enough of you, and your father/alter ego; enough of your
smears, and your oh-so-carefully-phrased-not-to-use-bad-words, let's jsut
call him a liar *quietly*, and your lurking on the back fence as we have
a decent conversation, adding nothing but a murmuring, soft voice that
mewls "don't trust him, don't trust him" whom somebody ought to toss
an old shoe.

I'm not going to do your damned homework for you, Deborah, do it
yourself. And if you've got ANYTHING to say, ANY proof that what I've
said here is anything other than what's been posted, you or that
homunculus Theron should speak up or shut up. Every time we get a nice,
pleasant, friendly atmosphere going here, and a good conversation, you two
poster children for co-dependency swoop in here and piss all over th

Get a clue or get out. I've had it with both of you.


Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

I don't believe this...the allegation that I'm not really me, that
I'm some shlub working on the B5 payroll into whose hands The Great And
Powerful Oz...I mean *J*M*S* has given his credibility, his reputation,
whom *J*M*S* has taught how to *write* just like him...this dialogue has
just hit a brand new low.

It's now 2:03 a.m. Pacific time. If I ain't me, I'm not paying me
NEARLY enough money to be me at this hour of the night. Yes, it takes a
lot of time to go through this stuff...which is why I'm UP at this ungodly
hour of the night, responding to all this stuff in real-time, writing on
the fly.

...I just sat here for several minutes, trying to wrap my brain around
how on EARTH to respond to this latest bit of nonsense...and realized,
why? This is the nuttiest thing I've ever seen. What's the point?

And no, there are NOT two sides to every story.

And finally, this has nothing to do with critiquing my show. This is
what always happens in these threads; somebody mouths off about something,
makes an unsubstantiated claim, and then when the net collectively hands
them their heads, complains that people are too sensitive about critiquing
their show. Except, of course, that's never been what they've beend oing
(been doing) in the first place.

Why on earth am I even HAVING this boneheaded conversation?


Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

Jeremy...or Jere7my...I don't *hate* the Fullers; I reserve that
for only a very few on a very short list (those still surviving). When I
think of the Fullers, I kinda think of Neice Bertrice, who lives with her
family on some nice suburban street, with her Uncle Horace who lives in
the basement and collects paper sacks and string and complains about that
damn Roosevelt, and only comes up once every second Thursday to piss in
the cassarole and set the cat on fire...and when Mom and Dad look over at
old Uncle Horace, and wonder if maybe he might need a little assistance,
ain't quite the fellow he used to be, she stamps her foot and cries and
shouts at them and asks why they're being so mean to sweet Uncle Horace,
and they should leave him alone and stop saying bad things about him,
after which she races upstairs to her blue bedroom and slams the door,
hugging her pink bunny and saying over and over that Uncle Horace is fine,
just FINE, while downstairs the cat is smoldering again.

And I think that qualifies as the longest sentence I've ever written
on line. Or whoever I am.

jms (2:25 a.m.)

Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

Ah, and now we get down to it...Deborah threatens to let Warner Bros.
know what I'm saying here.

Folks, take a good luck. This is the repeated paradigm. Person X
starts smearing my reputation (or anyone in the public eye). Offers that
I (or other person) doesn't have a right to be upset because after all I'm
a well-known kinda guy, and thus sacrifice all rights to an opinion, or to
defend myself. They speculate about my veracity, my name, my identity,
my figures, my existence...that's okay...but when it's turned back on them,
they get huffy and start sending faxes to Warner Bros.

They can give, but they don't like it in return. Remember Ford
Thaxton, who saw no problem in impugning my reputation here? Guess who
started sending REAMS of faxes to WB, quoting my messages (and others
here) in some hope of "getting me" for talking back. And now young miss
Fuller threatens to do exactly the same thing.

She will harm me not in the slightest. The only possible result if
this continues is that eventually WB might say they're tired of the faxes,
and ask me to stop hanging out here. 'Cause as long as I *am* here, I'll
speak honestly, which is my responsibility.

jms (2:33 am)

Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

Flat out, Deborah-Who-Threatens-To-Complain-To-Warner-Bros., every
single message with my name on it is written by me. You're right; the
way to do it is cut down on sleep and food during the week, which is what
I do. Because unlike those who only come in here to foul the nest, I
happen to actually care about this dialogue.

Now, I've said it, straight up. Either I'm flat-out lying or I'm
not. And y'know, I don't really give a damn what you think. And my
reaction should someone mention "the fullers" I can tell you now, and
save you the imagining.


jms (2:47 am)

Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

"If the ratings are so good then he has nothing to loose by
revealing where they would be located."


I quote "The Lady's Not For Burning" ... "Am I invisible? Inaudible?
Do I merely festoon the room with my presence?"

LOOK IT UP. You've now been told where they're located in 15 different
messages from different people.

I give up..................

jms (2:50 am)