Harlan Ellison

 Posted on 9/3/1994 by jmsatb5@aol.com to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated

The book is Harlan's autobiography, which he plans to write around
the year 2000, and yes, that's his photo. (He borrowed the prop when we
were finished and casually carried it with him to a few places, just to
make people nuts thinking there was a book out they'd missed....)


Harlan Ellison

 Posted on 9/4/1995 by jmsatb5@aol.com to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated

You're in luck: White Wolf Press has signed a deal in which they will
put back into print something like 25 of Harlan's books; they should start
hitting bookstores around the Fall.


Re:Harlan Ellison

 Posted on 12/17/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

{Is Ellison still working on his Dream Corridor books? Did his story "Kadak"
inspire Ivanova's Chanukah celebration?}

Last I heard, the Dream Corridor books will be coming out in a different
form, in larger trade editions, with new stuff.

No, "Kadak" had nothing to do with Ivanova celebrating Chanakuh on B5;
the ceremony far predates Harlan's story....


Re:Harlan Ellison

 Posted on 3/9/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

Harlan is generally quite jovial and funny in person; but he feels outrage
deeply when it takes place, and isn't afraid to do a deserved Jeremiad when
