Creation's False B5 info

 Posted on 8/8/1994 by to

The speakers at Creation have a habit of running their mouths when
they don't have a clue what the facts are. I've already had to yell at
them once in the last couple weeks, stating that Michael York had been
selected as the new Commander. Now this. Frankly, I wouldn't believe a
word they say about *anything*.


Re: Creation's False B5 info

 Posted on 8/9/1994 by to

It's my understanding that the "information" about O'Hare was fed to
Creation by -- big surprise -- someone associated with Paramount/ST. You
know, they could save themselves *endless* embarrassment (particularly in
the "York is new commander" kind of situation, which caused them to send
letters/faxes to all their "hosts") if they would, oh I dunno...maybe CALL
US for information rather than taking stuff off the grapevine, particularly
from anyone with Paramount.

(I've also heard just recently that allegedly Paramount is leaning on
those who've directed ST episodes, who are free agents and not under any
kind of general contract, *not* to direct B5. We've already had one such
incident of withdrawl after we'd made arrangements and all parties had
agreed to the director doing an episode for us.)
