Re: Missed promo on WNAC! (But

 Posted on 1/8/1994 by to

Thanks. Glad you liked it. (And yeah, the Fresh Air Restaurant
does look pretty cool.)

As for me...the TV camera doesn't like me, it just sorta slides over
me and adds 10 years to me. Complicated by the fact that when I'm shoved
in front of a TeeVee camera, my head retracts like a turtle, my neck
disappears, and everything goes everywhere. Harlan, on the other hand,
is comfortable before a camera. The camera *loves* Harlan.


Re: Missed promo on WNAC! (But

 Posted on 1/9/1994 by to

Actually, thus far, nearly everyone on our crew has appeared in the
background of one episode or another, except for me. Which is the way I
like it....
