
 Posted on 12/20/1993 by to

There are not, as a rule, many kids on B5. They are more the
exception than the rule, and even there mainly traveling to or from one
place to another with their families. This is not a place where you come
to raise families; it's a way-station, not a destination. And given the
fates of B1-B4, nearly everyone who chooses to come work there has left
their families for a period of X-years to earn fairly good sized salaries
working B5 (hazard pay and all that).

Hybrids are impossible in the B5 universe without direct genetic
alteration. You can't just have casual mating. Interspecies sex may
present opportunities for exploration, but the chances of a Narn
impregnating a human are about the same as a human impregnating a fish
and producing a motorcycle.


Re: Children

 Posted on 12/21/1993 by to

No, G'Kar wasn't lying to Lyta; he mentions in passing that there
would have to be some genetic manipulation, so that part still obtains.


Re: Children

 Posted on 12/23/1993 by to

As I've noted elsewhere, G'Kar made mention of the need for
genetic alteration/modification during the scene with Lyta. Beyond that,
though, G'Kar's personal perversion is sex with humans, which no one else
seems quite able to understand....
