ItB - Zowie!

 Posted on 1/4/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}'s a terrific little story.


ItB - Zowie!

 Posted on 1/5/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

Yeah, there was supposed to be a commercial there, but instead
TNT ran straight through into act 2, and inserted a commercial in act
6, right before they go to see Sinclair.


ItB - Zowie!

 Posted on 1/6/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

"I nearly cried when the President asked the military to "hold the
line" so that a pitiful few hundred could escape. In that single
moment, you feel that even if the Minbari had done it, those few
refugees would have sired a people who, eventually, would have made it.
Just at that moment, you see the echo to the ball of light flying into
the encounter suit a million years hence."

It's a very moving scene, even for me. There's something in
particular about a female president making that request, and giving
those orders, that is especially strong. I don't know why that should
be, but somehow it is. We as a people tend to forget our own strength,
and as Londo says, our stubborn nobility. We only seem to remember it
when we stand on the edge of the abyss, when it's almost too late to do
anything about it.

"I always have felt this show is about him."

Yeah, in many ways, it is.


ItB - Zowie!

 Posted on 1/6/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Philip Hornsey <> asks:
> Did Kosh set the Vorlons *and* the Shadows up?
> Was he sick of the conflict and so arranged events, that he was
> *certain* that the outcome would be a final end to it all?

You're right, as far as it goes...I think Kosh came late to the
table. I don't think he came to B5 with that intent, but it grew in him
over time that this cycle had to end, and he could be instrumental to
