B5 - tnt and WB

 Posted on 6/27/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

I can't comment in specifics until WB issues its formal press
announcement on this.


B5 - tnt and WB

 Posted on 6/28/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> As soon as you can comment, would you please tell us who at TNT
> we should send our thank you's to?

Thanks should probably be conveyed to Brad Siegel, president of
TNT, who fought hard to get the show, initially beating the Sci-Fi
Channel out in a bidding war for the reruns, and who believes very
strongly in what we're doing for the future.


B5 - tnt and WB

 Posted on 6/30/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> Does this mean that your (you the entire organization) residuals
> will actually bring in some money?

Thanks...and cable residuals are only a fraction of regular,
broadcast residuals.


B5 - tnt and WB

 Posted on 6/30/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Yes, TNT is definitely a better home. For one thing, B5 would
get lost on the SciFi channel among all the other shows; here, TNT will
treat it as something special.
