
 Posted on 5/26/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Michael Nelson <> asks:
> Couldn't Lyta have gone to Sheridan or the Command Staff for help
> instead of taking the Psi-Corp deal? Will Zack & Lyta become an
> item?

I think Lyta had just emotionally gotten to the place where she
had to do something on her own rather than continuing to rely on the
kindness of strangers.



 Posted on 5/28/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Martin Toggweiler <> asks:
> Why couldn't Lyta's lie-detecting abilities be used to oversee
> the negotiations between the station command and the smugglers
> who are bringing in suppiles? Why should they care that Lyta
> doesn't have the stamp of approval of an Earth organization that
> was in cahoots with the Shadows? Or are there plentiful telepaths
> of their own races available for hire on B5? Could Neroon have
> walked out after saving Delenn? Was there something about the
> Wheel that prevented the last person from exiting? If not, why did
> Neroon feel that HE must die after having the revelation that his
> heart is religious? Guilt over not seeing the "truth" sooner?

Because telepaths only function in very limited ways due to
privacy laws. You couldn't just use them broad-based as lie detectors
in the way you suggest, because it first requires getting the
*permission* of those involved, and you can be reasonably sure that
smugglers aren't going to want people poking around in their heads;
second, there was a large group there, and a midrange teep can usually
handle only one or at most two people with any degree of accuracy; it
goes down dramatically after that.

I specifically set up rules for telepaths to avoid letting them
become the deus ex machina, the easy solution to any problem.
