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We're doing a CDrom inhouse, a slightly subversive guide to the
B5 universe, which we hope to have out by fall.
Babylon5 Omnipedia
Deonaha M. Conlin <102531.2627@compuserve.com> asks:
> Slightly subversive?
> So, who gets it first, the UK or the US?
It'll come out in the US the same time as the UK or slightly
Babylon5 Omnipedia
{original post had no questions}
Actually, one episode coming up in this batch is, according to
John Copeland, the single most subversive thing we've ever done on the
show. It's a *mean* episode and completely, unabashedly underhanded in
its way of illuminating certain things. While, oddly enough, ending in
a positive fashion, despite George Johnsen's comment at playback during
the audio mix, "Okay, what sadistic m-----f----- wrote this thing?"
Babylon5 Omnipedia
Rebecca Eschliman <76072.2345@compuserve.com> asks:
> Do you know if this "view-it-and-weep (or throw something --
> viewer's choice)" ep is among the currently batch or is among the
> final four being held over until next October?
I've forgotten which we were discussing....
Babylon5 Omnipedia
{original post had no questions}
Ah...yes, that one will air in this batch.