TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/3/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> What order will TNT air the episodes in?
> In the original air order, or in the order you originally
> intended, that for various reasons aired differently?

I'll be discussing this issue with TNT in the near future, at
which time we'll get into the preferred air order, which probably won't
be a problem for them to follow.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/3/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

No, the fault was mine, not the suits.

Prior to exec producing B5, I had never edited a show before,
never had final cut before...had never even been IN an editing room for
more than 5 minutes before. So here I am, given the director's
cut...and I know it's real slow, but I haven't done this before, so I
don't trust my instincts. I let it go with very minimal changes.

And I've been kicking myself ever since. I should've followed
my instincts, but instead I deferred to the director's cut.

It's a mistake I have never made since.

Even so, that first cut just gnaws at me...I *know* I can make
it better, stronger, even if only a bit in a few places, that would
help salve my soul over this thing.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/4/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

Yeah, we're also going to update the CGI, if we can do this.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/4/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

John M. Graham <> asks:
> Will the Gathering be shown before or after the Prequel Movie?

The prequel will be aired first, then the pilot, then the


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/4/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> Is the directors cut typically different from a producers cut?
> Is there a differnce between TV and Movies on how they would
> differ?

A director's cut can be the same as, or vastly different from,
the producer's cut, depending on what the director does, and how much
in sync the director is with the producer. But the producer gets final
cut in TV, whereas the director gets final cut in films (unless the
studio or a big name producer has it contractually otherwise).


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/5/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> So in films the director provides the thematic vision of the
> movie, wheras in TV the producer provides that vision?

Correct. In many films, the director is there from the start,
working on the TV, a director comes in 2-3 weeks before you
shoot, and walks into a situation where the vision is already set.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/5/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> So that's why you became an Executive Producer?
> To protect the vision of your work and not have a director or
> producer change it?

"So that's why you became an Executive Producer? To protect the
vision of your work and not have a director or producer change it?"

I sure as heck can't think of any OTHER reason to do it, given
the grief involved....


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/8/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> Have you ever considered directing?

"Have you ever considered directing?"

With great trepidation, and at the urging of Warner Bros., I've
decided to direct one episode this season...not because I have any
particular ambition to be a director, but because I think it will help
me become a better writer by more fully understanding that side of the
camera. Given how massively busy I am already, this decision will
almost certainly be called as evidence in any sanity trial that might
take place in future.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/9/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Carl Cantarella <> asks:
> Joe, You're gonna actually do it after all?

"I read the article in the latest Sci Fi Universe magazine, and
honestly, I don't know how you do it all. God, talk about stress!"

1) I have no choice.

2) You just shrug your shoulders and you do it.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/10/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Scott Baker <> asks:
> Why were they so interested in you directing?
> Which one?
> Are you going to act as well to cover all the bases?
> What does your wife think of your schedule?

"Why were they so interested in you directing?"

Well, they know the show is really my vision, and they're
curious what it would look like if it was also followed through behind
the camera. And as our liaison with WB said, "We like it when our
creative people spread their wings a little." They like the show, and
it does well for them, and they're just generally supportive that way.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/17/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

For all intents and purposes, the pilot *is* the director's
cut...what we want to do is make a producer's cut of more material and
better editing.


TNT Air Order

 Posted on 3/17/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

That's what we're trying to work out.
