
 Posted on 4/13/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Roseann M. Caputo <> asks:
> What are the particulars for choosing the art for the books?
> Who could she send her portfolio to?

The book is being done in-house through WB publishing, so it'd
have to go through that.

And thanks...good to see you there.



 Posted on 7/3/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Roseann M. Caputo <> asks:
> Why?
> You don't drink, do drugs, etc?

"I know that season 5 won't be filler, because that's not what a
Master of his craft does. You wouldn't tolerate it from anyone else,
so you surely will not do it yourself."

Bingo. Sometimes when I try to describe what's happening on my
side of things, I don't find the right words. Thanks for doing so.

"You don't drink, do drugs, etc?"

Also don't smoke or gamble.

"Wow, talk about the clean cut, all american boy! <g> No vices, eh?"

Two: Chocolate and coffee.



 Posted on 7/7/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Roseann M. Caputo <> asks:
> Do you do the gourmet coffee?
> Joe, any chance that you'll be at the big B5 convention in
> Pasadena in November?

No one's talked to me yet about a B5 con in Pasadena in October,
so I dunno.

And yeah, I do the gourmet coffee thing. Big on Arabian Mocha
Sanani, and Silewesi, and Sumatran. It's the one "trendy" thing I
allow myself.



 Posted on 7/7/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Creation counter-programed Loscon?

That bites.
