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Date Title Source
01/25/1993 My's an interesting... GENIE
01/25/1993 That should be Delta Gamma Niner,... GENIE
01/25/1993 A video index...oh're... GENIE
01/24/1993 I think that talk would be premature;... GENIE
01/24/1993 Little Guy: there is, admittedly,... GENIE
01/24/1993 BTW, for anyone going to NATPE --... GENIE
01/24/1993 Shane...imagine, if you will, a... GENIE
01/24/1993 As to what happens to their inertia/velocity... GENIE
01/24/1993 The comment re: Twin Peaks is correct;... GENIE
01/24/1993 Funny thing is, I hadn't checked... GENIE
01/24/1993 BTW, a belated but *substantial*... GENIE
01/24/1993 An entire planet of mimes.....AN... GENIE
01/24/1993 I'll ask Ron. GENIE
01/24/1993 BTW, before I forget, in addition... GENIE
01/24/1993 Well, this IS a science fiction... GENIE
01/24/1993 Yes, if a big ship went into hyperspace... GENIE
01/24/1993 To the questions about airdates... GENIE
01/24/1993 "Do not tempt the hand of fate...."... GENIE
01/23/1993 I think that, to avoid a western-centered... GENIE
01/23/1993 Oh, yeah, before I forget (again)...look... GENIE