From jms re: yr 4/5

 Posted on 1/2/1997 by Scott Baker <> to CIS

> Two primary reasons why it was a hard sell: 1) SF has *always* gone
> way over budget. The "V" series singlehandedly nearly destroyed
> Warner Bros. Television. Producers always said they could do it, and
> they lied, and the studios and networks were very skittish.

Ok, now you got me really curious, what is your budget and do you ever
run over?

> 2) They're skittish about SF in general, and space stuff in
> particular. We were told, repeatedly, in verbatim terms, "No space
> series other than ST has ever survived more than a couple of sesaons.
> There is no market for space SF other than Star Trek. The market
> won't sustain it, isn't big enough to sustain it." That was, hands
> down, our single biggest stumbling block.

So what finally convinced WB to do B5, especially after V?
