From jms re: yr 4/5

 Posted on 1/1/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Two primary reasons why it was a hard sell: 1) SF has *always*
gone way over budget. The "V" series singlehandedly nearly destroyed
Warner Bros. Television. Producers always said they could do it, and
they lied, and the studios and networks were very skittish.

2) They're skittish about SF in general, and space stuff in
particular. We were told, repeatedly, in verbatim terms, "No space
series other than ST has ever survived more than a couple of sesaons.
There is no market for space SF other than Star Trek. The market won't
sustain it, isn't big enough to sustain it." That was, hands down, our
single biggest stumbling block.
