Bottom line, and real simple:
I've asked that fans *not* write any fan fiction set in the B5 universe
while the show is on the air. Remember, most ST fanfic began after the
show was over, to keep those characters alive. We're still around.
Fanfic is a threat to us, in that if someone writes a story, puts it in a
fanzine, and something remotely similar is done in the show, that person
could decide to sue. It happens; Marion Zimmer Bradley lost an entire
*book* over this, when her publisher refused to put the book out because
of the threat of lawsuit from a fanzine with a similar story.
When someone posted a basic story idea similar to what was planned for
"Passing Through Gethsemane," that script went into cold storage for over
a year; only when the fan involved offered (greatly chagrined) to write
and sign a legal release, and delivered it to me, could that story be put
back into prep. If he had not been this kind, THAT EPISODE WOULD NEVER
HAVE BEEN MADE. Roll that one around for a while.
It seems to me that if someone wants to write B5 fanfic, it's because that
fan likes the show, appreciates what's done, and respects those who
created it. And that selfsame fan would not want to jeapordize the
continued existence of that show. And would, therefore, honor this
request from those who make it for the duration of the show.