Re: JMS also available on rastb5m

 Posted on 8/19/1996 by to

"Due to time constraints, I don't subscribe as a reader to the newsgroup
directly, but pick up Brent Barrett's listserver "b5jms". There is a faint
possibility that each of my questions was somehow answered by another fan
with great detail..."

It's possible. If it's an informational request, and someone gets to it
first and answers accurately, there's not much point to my stating the
same thing twice, when there are 500 more messages waiting.

"...but I have seen very "trivial" mesages, just natter and fun that you
have answered, yet some questions which ONLY you could have answered went
completely unnoticed."

Some, yes; many, however, *do* get answered. Sometimes I choose to "not
see" a question if it's something that, if I answer it, will give
something away, or if I don't have a good answer, or I just don't know, or
if I get caught up and I'm just unable time-wise to reply.

I'd point out to you and another poster who said that a reply from me on a
given issue was "required" that I'm not on salary or retainer here; there
is no obligation in my part to answer ANY questions. I do as much as I
can keep up with, and there's a lot TO keep up with. I'm dancing as fast
as I can. But telling me that an answer is required, or busting my chops
because you're not satisfied that I haven't answered every single question
put to me isn't going to help.

"According to test postings I've made, other people appear to get the
messages on the group, so I ask with all sincerity, do you "skip over"
messages on rastb5m, or is there some "personal" affront that is
associated with my name?"

Given that I don't have any idea who you are, and have no memory of your
name, it seems unlikely that there is any affront. I haven't noticed you
before now.

"Given your tendency to shred offensive people and not just ignore them, I
tend to think that somehow you don't see my messages."

It's altogether possible.

"Would you be kind enough to let me know if my "idle commentary" and "dumb
questions" are being read by you?"

Why? First, you'll note that you're calling them dumb and idle, not me,
so don't attribute that to me. Second, should I sit here and do this for
every user on this system? Or just you? For every message posted, should
I say, "Hello, User, I just saw this message, hello..."

"I don't necessarily need an ego scratch every time I post - the benefits
of your "being busy" are wonderful, so I don't mind if you don't have the
time to respond to everything - but some indication that you are at least
*seeing* what I post would be nice. Thanks."

See above.

"As an example, I am extrememly concerned that the final episodes of
season three may not air in Canada because of the switch in broadcasters.
Could you please officially confirm whether a special arrangement has been
made to have the new station(s) air the eps at the same time as the rest
of the world gets them? I have e-mailed the station, but have received no
response. I've seen the speculation on various web pages, but would like
an official word from you."

I don't have one. I don't know what the situation is in that regard. If
that was youre question, and I didn't have any information, I likely
would've passed it by until I did have accurate information...assuming I
saw it all, and I don't recall doing so.

There's a tendency some can fall into of thinking they're the only ones on
the net, and thinking, "well, he can respond to me, or do this one thing
for me, it's not like everyone else is doing it," when in fact lots of
other people have exactly the same outlook. I've asked, repeatedly, that
people not send private email with story questions best put in public
forums...but every day I have 30 or more of them, each thinking, "well,
it's just me."

I answer as many questions as I can out of the 500+ that float in front of
my eyes every day. If there's not a reply, don't assume I'm "affronted,"
I don't take affront out of the ether or arbitrarily. And when there IS
affront, the person involved knows about it pretty fast.

There's a certain wisdom here about "the perceived center of the
universe," but it's too obvious....

Thanks again.
