
 Posted on 8/3/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

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That was really excellent. Let me explain to you how excellent
it was: I was taking a break on CIS because I was trying to work
through the heart of a scene between Delenn and Sheridan in script 403.
It was a little fuzzy there in places, and I usually log off and putter
around rather than trying to write it when it isn't all there yet in my
head. Your analysis helped me clarify something in my own mind which
was there in the first place but hadn't yet racked into focus yet. It
would've done so eventually, it always does, but you may have saved me
an hour or two of going back over their relationship in my head and
pulling out the emotional and thematic undercurrents of what's been
established over the last couple of seasons.

Good stuff.
