
 Posted on 7/19/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> Any Nemmy onminations?

John Flinn got a nomination for cinematograhy for "Inquisitor."
Last year we sent videotapes of our up-for-nomination episodes, and got
three nominations for it. But WB got upset by this -- they don't do
this for their other shows, we did it on our own -- and ordered us not
to do it again. The other shows don't need it because they're network
shows and get good exposure; most syndicated shows (non-Trek) tend not
to be Emmy aspirees, so it's not a problem there. We're in between,
and we were, in effect, producing videotapes, and they didn't want
that. So we had to sit on our hands and not do what we knew would
result in getting more noms. It's very frustrating.
