Re: Memories from Chicago Comicon (includes question for JMS)

 Posted on 6/28/1996 by to

"Having read JMS's posts on the net for years and now having seen him talk
in person, I have heard probably hundreds of anecdotes from him about his
life, his career, growing up, getting the show on the air, and managing
the cast/crew to keep it going. It dawned on me last weekend that many of
these stories are quite similar to the example stories that one finds in a
book on self-esteem, self-motivation, and management books (the ones about
how to get the most out of your employees by making sure they enjoy
working for you). JMS: Have you ever considered writing these down into
a book about your philosophy/ motivation/etc? I think it would be great

I think it would be an absolutely hideous waste of several dozen
old-growth trees.

It would be the height of stupidity and arrogance on my part (your
suggestion was well-intentioned and sincere, don't confuse the two) to
even consider the notion. I have nothing to teach *anybody* in these
areas. I don't have any answers, only questions. And my experiences are
generally so idiosyncratic, so much the product of just falling on my face
a thousand times until one day I figured out a way so that I didn't *have*
to fall on my face anymore, that I can't imagine they'd be of much use to
anyone, and their entertainment value is mainly either anecdotal or for
humorous effect.

A book about the trials and tribulations in making the show...sure, maybe.
A book of my philosophy about this sort of thing, with anecdotes? I
can't imagine anything that could be more boring and self-serving.\
