
 Posted on 5/25/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Jon Wolf <76103.2541@compuserve.com> asks:
> Can you now tell us what that one element was?

The element I couldn't quite fit into War....

In B2, Krantz says they found Zathras when there was a flash,
and he appeared in a conference room.

Now, I sketched out that scene when it came time to actually
write the whole WWE two-parter. What happened, basically, was that
Zathras was passing by a room where he saw the one piece he still
needed to finish his repairs on the time stabalizer. He slips in, as
best he can, unnoticed...the meeting goes on as he goes under a table
to get the piece of equipment...he finishes just as there's another
time-flash...as it ends, momentarily disoriented, he's discovered, and

This would've matched what was in B2, as I'd intended.
Unfortunately, it added several minutes of screen time that I couldn't
afford. I would've had to cut something somewhere else, and that
script was so tight it screamed as it was. So I had to fudge how I did
that and let the small inconsistency go. The only other thing I
could've cut, the one moveable piece, was Sinclair trying to radio
Garibaldi at the end...and I didn't want to lose that.
