Re: Just another compliment:

 Posted on 5/19/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

"One would find it hard to believe that episodes like "Severed Dreams",
"I E","A Late Delvery From Avalon" and of course, WWE could be written by the
same guy. The pace, dialog, everything are adapted so well for each

Suddenly I'm having an identity crisis....

I like to try different styles for different moods. I also like to vary the
tone of the show; one will be more comedic, as with Sic Transit Vir, others
much darker, like Ship of Tears. I enjoy trying new things, risking a bit,
failing on occasion, but learning in the process.

"You previsouly said that after B5 you would get "back" to writing. What in
Gods name are you doing now? If this isn't writing, I sure as heck don't now
what is."

Actually, the theory would be to get back into writing novels and plays,
assuming B5 runs its full course.
