Joe an atheist?

 Posted on 5/13/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Al Lipscomb <> asks:
> Is any of this making any sense?

Exactly. That's a *very* good point; I'd forgotten about Romans
2:14. There are sections that imply that those who don't hear The
Gospels will be judged by their own actions and their own conscience,
which implies the presence of a conscience (as does the quote you cite)
even in the absence of a "transcendental" being, that is, knowing right
from wrong. Excellent point.

"...the largest problem we have in this country is that we have
moved from a justice system to a legal system."

Wow...I've never heard that put so simply and so succinctly.
And it's absolutely correct. Nicely done.
