<Ship of Tears>

 Posted on 4/28/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

David Cerreta <72630.3433@compuserve.com> asks:
> Now it begins, eh?
> Just how big are the Medlabs?
> Is it like a modern hospital with 250 beds and so on?
> So when we see Medlabs, are we seeing the equivalent of a
> critical care unit? Immediately, she asks, "What have you heard
> about Babylon 5? Is it renewed?

Thanks. That's great to hear. (Yours is the first reaction
I've seen to the ep.)

There are a number of medlabs, which are broken into various
areas; each has a larger wing attached to it, which we've seen on
occasion, such as when the young girl in "Legacies" is in the infirmary
in bed, same with Shon in "Believers." They each have a pretty fair
capacity for patients.

Beyond that...thanks again. This is a particularly good
episode, I think, a real turning point in the show. (And I'm pleased
that this is one ep where I've more or less managed to keep advance
info down to a minimum.) Everyone did a great job.
