Re:JMS' Story

 Posted on 4/27/1996 by Jms at B5 to AOL

The other thing to bear in mind about all this is the question of a "clean
fight." If Sheridan were to bring in alien forces at his order to kill
humans, it would pretty much destroy his credibility. Delenn came in at the
end but only after he'd made his stand on his own.

One of the things that kicked off the French Revolution was the allegation
that the King had brought in or was bringing in Prussian troops to help put
down dissenters. As long as it was all more or less in the family, that was
one thing...but to bring in outsiders was an absolute affront to them. (One
of the singular incidents that started the fighting itself was a group of
Prussian soldiers sighted sitting in a cafe having lunch, which caused this
rumor about outsiders coming in to spread like wildfire, and led to the some
of the first major incidents of rioting.)

Two brothers may fight one another, but let a third unrelated person come in
and shove one of the brothers around, and they'll *both* turn on him.

During the worst days of the civil war, even Lincoln was offered assistance
in troops from at least one other country; he declined, because it was an
internal matter, and had to be resolved by those involved, not outsiders.

Sheridan's logic was exactly the same. It had to be a clean fight.
