Chad Underkoffler <> asks:
> If you were trying to regain control of Babylon 5, would you
> leave it in the hands of these nimrods? Why didn't Bochs assign
> him a "handler"? Sniper's reaction to Delenn's "pity" speech: "You
> pity me? However, why did he notify Susan before Garibaldi when
> Delenn and Lennan were taken by the NWTs? Does he really dislike
> Michael that much, or was it just to give us another AI scene?
> What aliens hasn't the guy played? Have we seen him as an Earther?
> A question: Why didn't our heroes attempt to work with the
> nudjing computer? and just WHAT was Delenn reacting to there?
> Does everyone get them, or just command staff?
> Yet, why are they *BLACK*?
"They're all so GOOD."
Gotta be. No other choice.
(Actually, we had 3 more quickie scenes with the computer voice,
but the ep ran long over time, and we were locked into some
walk-and-talks where we couldn't make other trims.)