Re: JMS: Season Finale (Title Classified)

 Posted on 4/4/1996 by to

"Or is it a matter of the title being a spoiler for an episode between now

Yes, that's my concern.

While I'm on the subject, an advisory: I gave a short interview to
Entertainment Weekly the other day for their story about cliffhanger
endings for various shows. Now, the piece is going to run in May since
that's when most shows (most *sensible* shows) will be doing their
cliffhangers. Ours won't run until July or October, depending on who you
talk to.

There's a point where you have to decide between publicity (good for show)
and secrecy (good for viewers), in the process of keeping the show on the
air (also good for viewers). So I let a few things out of the bag. If
you don't want to be spoiled, then you may want to avoid picking up and
reading that story.
